Course | Title | Credits | Instructor |
Comp 101 | How To Take Over The World | 100 | Gates |
Hlth 009 | To Bathe Or Not To Bathe | 3 | Koop |
Biol 102 | Creation vs Evolution, Who Really Cares? | 4 | Darwin |
Engl 121 | The Life of Sr. Author Conan Doyle | 5 | Holmes |
Psyc 240 | Schitziodism - Fact or Fiction? | 4 | Freud |
Law 143 | Good Cop/Bad Cop | ½ | Waldon |
Busi 107 | What is Inflation Anyway? | 2 | Greenspan |
Art 105 | "Domestic Bliss" on Canvas | 5 | Picasso |